Assemble And Simulate

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# A sample fibonacci program # n=6 addi x8, x0, 6 addi x3, x0, 1 addi x4, x0, 0 jal x1, fibo beq x0,x0, endProgram fibo: # n = x8, a = x3, b = x4 # using x5 as temp addi x5, x0, 2 bne x8, x5, labelA # n==2 # sending a add x10, x0, x3 jalr x0, x1, 0 labelA: addi x5, x0, 1 bne x8, x5, labelB # n==1 # sending b add x10, x0, x4 jalr x0, x1, 0 labelB: # storing x8 and x1 addi sp, sp, -12 sw x8, 4(sp) sw x1, 0(sp) addi x8, x8, -1 # putting n-1 in x8 jal x1, fibo # Answer is x10 add x6, x0, x10 sw x6, 8(sp) # Storing this part answer in x6 and putting it in stack lw x8, 4(sp) addi x8, x8, -2 # putting n-2 in x8 jal x1, fibo # answer is in x10 lw x6, 8(sp) add x10, x10, x6 # putting the full answer in x10 lw x1, 0(sp) addi sp, sp, 12 # returning to main jalr x0, x1, 0 endProgram: